Another greek gem that you won't propably find anywhere else. I had to buy it myself to get to listen to it. It's not that expensive to buy (averaging somewhere in between 25 and 35 euros). Though it's not too expensive the strange thing is you can't find any real info on the band. The few things I managed to find out is that the band had released another album under the name Coo titled ''Rock eyes'' previous to ''Women''. Also that ''Women'' was printed but not actually released...the band supposedly sold very few copies themselves and the rest of the copies were shelved, some of them resourfacing many years later keeping the price at relatively low rates. So what about the music? This album grows on me every time I listen to it. Booby Trap plays a very melodic hard rock actually reaching into the AOR field, with obvious 70's elements. Their sound is not polished at all, on the contrary the guitar riffs sound raw. I really love their guitarist, his solos have the required sentiment and inspiration. Another thing you will like about the album is the fact that all the vocal lines are well written. Productionwise there's a lot missing but I don't really care since I like the songs a lot. My favorites are American Girl, My woman (wonderful melancholic touch), Routine (with a great hit potential) and Burning brain (which I might almost call heavy metal). Almost every song seems to have a really memorable chorus and nice guitar leads. Enough said...