I've been wanting to present this compilation for months. Mark Free is one of the greatest singers ever to serve our music. Though he never had the luck to meet great success,he deserves to be included in any hall of fame ever existant. This compilation includes the best songs he ever recorded.The first part includes songs from his official albums and the second songs from the numberous demos he recorded. I could easily make ten posts about Mark Free related albums but I chose to present you the very best of his work. Check this out, it's really worth it, especially the second part with the demo songs that are quite hard to find.
UPDATE 18-10-2009: Mark (nowadays Marcie, due to a sex change), will appear as the lead singer on a new Unruly Child album! That's great news, check it out when it get's released (sometime in 2010).
3 σχόλια:
Καλος ο Mark Free οταν ηταν σε King Kobra, Signal, Unruly Child ή solo, αλλα οταν εγινε Marcie Free το πηρε η κατω βολτα.
Δεν πρόλαβε να βγάλει και πολλούς δίσκους σαν Marcie...Κανείς δεν του έδινε συμβόλαιο...που ναξερε ότι κάποια χρόναι μετά η Dana International θα κερδιζε την Eurovision....χαχαχα!
Ελα ντε, πως γυριζει ο καιρος.
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